
Why choose Fijoport solution

Remote assistance

Only authorized technicians can access your devices via the Fijoport Portal Server

24/7 access

24/7 Access to all your key devices


Backs up your all your system data. Systems can be reprogrammed instantly in the even of major failure.

secure access

Our bi-directional encrypted VPN is totally secure. All access sessions are logged, registered and secured end to end.

All in one product

Plug & play installation. have your equipment secure in a couple of minutes.


Protect your IT/OT devices against hackers – no need to change firewall settings.

Reduces Carbon footprint

Reduced site visits & reduced your Carbon Footprint.

Quality ISO 9001:2015

NSAI Quality certification

Talk to us today...

Get in touch with us to see how Fijowave can help your businesses communications.