Use Cases

Fijoport enables our customers to remotely access key equipment in order to monitor and manage business critical assets on a 24/7 basis.

Authenticated users may establish instant VPN access, eliminating exposure to cyber threats.

Discover the ways Fijoport can help your company be more secure

Telecommunications remote access image

Telecommunications Company

Direct Maintenance & Support

Energy remote access image

Energy Company

Secure Remote Access to Electricity Substation

 Broadcast Media remote access image

Broadcast Media Company

Indirect Maintenance & Support

Manufacturing remote access image

Manufacturing Company

Industrial IoT – Maintenance & Support

Windfarm remote access image

Windfarm Maintenance

Secure Remote Direct Maintenance

Server room remote maintenance access image

Server Room Maintenance

Direct & indirect Maintenance

Legacy equipment maintenance remote access image

Legacy Equipment Maintenance

Direct & indirect Maintenance

Avaya use case Fijowave

Avaya CCaas Maintenance

Direct & indirect Maintenance


Fijowave’s Solution provides you with:

  • Secure bi-directional encrypted connectivity between user and remote site.
  •  Support for maintenance and management of devices on a 24/7 without user intervention at remote site.
  • Control and Management over all user access.
  •  Any access is limited to authorised personnel and all remote sessions are logged and auditable.
  • Dashboard display of entire network of sites with alerting of fault conditions.

Why choose Fijoport?

Automated Backup

Automated Backup

Advanced Monitoring & Security

Advanced Monitoring & Security

Network Health Check

Network Health Check

Proactive Remote Monitoring

Proactive Remote Monitoring

Smart Alerting

Smart Alerting

Workflow Management

Workflow Management

Latest Innovations

Latest Innovations

Fijowave’s Soft Client application

Fijowave’s Soft Client application

Talk to us today...

Get in touch with us to see how Fijowave can help your businesses communications.